This is me — the spotted one on the right, not the one that’s crying laughing, that’s the person I have the privilege and incredible pleasure of sharing my life with, Maria.

artist, teacher, maker

At my core, I’m happiest when making things. I collect skills the way a crow hunts shiny things and – amazingly – I find that I’m at least okay at most things. On this site, you’ll find the things I’ve discovered that I’m actually really good at. Most of it has to do with image capture, as that has been at the core of my passion for the past decade plus. But event production has been steadily vying for the lead in life, I do love a good spectacle.

back when I had long hair…

It’s pretty common for someone in my position to brand myself an “artist”, and in many ways, I am. I’ve made bodies of work in photography, produced a feature film(as well as a herd of short films). I have a stack of block prints on my desk that are constantly teasing me, and have installed sculptural installations that I personally fabricated.

But I also wonder if “artist” might be strangely limiting in its scope – “teacher” also seems to function reasonably well, it’s another passion of mine, for sure. There are few things as gratifying as seeing something “click” in the person you’re working with. “Maker” seems to come closer, since it casts a slightly wider net into the coding and fabrication worlds. I’ve written scripts that programmatically manipulate media and allow UI-less musical interactions using computer vision. As well as designed and constructed functional furniture, mechanical set props, and a number of modular media studios.

But ultimately, what I’d like you to take away, is that I’m simply an engaged, thoughtful, and capable person that is willing to throw himself wholeheartedly into every new process.

Also, despite what you’ve seen so far, I can’t stand images of myself, so this is it. This is all you get.